upcoming events at Thunder and Lightning Press

Daylit Creek #3, Hanji joomchi and collagraph, edition of 4, 2013

Digital and mixed media printmaking workshop with Alice Dubiel, March 23 and 30, two consecutive Sundays 10am-4pm. $120. materials included. This workshop will explore combining multiple print media including polyester litho, collagraph, relief, stencil, and paper preparation including joomchi and painting techniques. We'll also practice low toxic studio methods. To register, contact alicedubiel@planetart.us or 206.782.7455

Introduction to digital photo manipulation for paper and lithograph applications. One day only TBA with Alice Dubiel. We will focus on digital image preparation for simple printmaking media including polyester plate, paper plates, or print background on your digital printer. Learn about printers, software introduction, some technical concerns and basic graphics decisions (or, what makes a good image?). $65. If you aren't familar with creating either one color or color separations in Photoshop or Illustrator (I don't use it for this, but it works fine and many artists do), you may want to spend some pre-workshop time with me before taking the digital and mixed media printmaking workshop to get up to speed.

The effect of snowmelt on past cultural landscapes: Hozomeen study, digital imaging on paper, acrylic, collagraph, 2011

Open studio Saturday May 10 1-5pm: Check out Thunder and Lightning Press, etching and collagaph press made by Glen Alps in mid 1970's. Also, we promise: goodies.
For workshops with Barbara Bruch, see http://planetartnorthbeachstudio.blogspot.com/