feminist Statement for exhibition, Emotional Numbness JBLM, one of several US military installations surrounding my home in Puget Sound, Salish Sea, dominates the landscape in Western Washington state: there are always traffic jams on Interstate 5 and the social costs of war are constantly present.
collagraph Layers of Ancient Texts: mixed media printmaking for a new landscape language Opening today in downtown Seattle, I'm showing 10 prints at Columbia Tower in "Fresh Pressed" WPW Gallery, 701 5th Avenue, Suite 310, Seattle 98104
Planet Art Texts for Lay of the Land: Glacial Biocenosis Heading photo: installation process with the assistance of Rachel Long. Installation view: The Lay of the Land: Glacial Biocenosis, 2018
Planet Art Featured The Lay of the Land: Glacial Biocenosis [update] Encased in ice are secrets, minerals: mica, iron, phosphorus fossilized bodies of ferns and microbes, megafauna, mysteries of life, the living planet. We read these as charts, maps and stories to guide us
Planet Art Inspiring and thoughtful Korean moments– Between and Within: A Tenuous Beauty What excited me was a recent series, *Fossilization*, where Koh lays down the texture of stone with its cracks and scraped ridges, then renders the coot or cormorant with a shadow, suggesting the way a fossil might appear.
printmaking Thunder and Lightning Press Fall events In studio workshop: Introduction to digital photograph manipulation for printmaking: chine collé and polyester lithograph applications $65, includes materials; one day October 22, 12:30-3:30pm Alice Dubiel Open Studio, for the press and Planet Art October 22, 4-6pm. Join Barbara Bruch and me for refreshments, and some demonstrations of