anti-war From Seattle to Platform3: A postal journey for peace Shout out to Post Office workers around the world for moving my art reproduction from Seattle, to San Francisco customs, to New York City, to Doha, to Tehran, to Platform3 for the Emotional Numbness exhibition there. Amazingly, the tracking worked!
anti-war Emotional Numbness: curators after my own heart I am so in awe of the curators Atefeh Khas and Minoosh Zomorodinia of this exhibition. Their thoroughness and dedication to accessibility of these works deserves all of our gratitude and appreciation.
feminist Statement for exhibition, Emotional Numbness JBLM, one of several US military installations surrounding my home in Puget Sound, Salish Sea, dominates the landscape in Western Washington state: there are always traffic jams on Interstate 5 and the social costs of war are constantly present.
Planet Art Military Archeology 2 in Emotional Numbness I'm thrilled to announce I'm showing a giclée reproduction at Platform 3 Gallery in Tehran, Iran, exhibition co-sponsored by Women Eco Artists Dialog